
Hanford Howl X!!?!

Hark 20s!! Given our complete and unquestionable Victory in Victoria last year, it has been decided that a renewed campaign into the far north will not be necessary at this time. Rather, we shall now direct our halberds and lances to the more immediate realm of Hanford near the hamlet of Richland, Washington. It has been arranged that formal engagement will occur on the 31st of October and the 1st of November. Obviously it would be wise to arrange for the preceding Friday and proceeding Monday to be free of laborious obligations so that you may focus more clearly on your duties, preparations and recovery. This campaign is likely to be even more fruitful than the Pumpkin Pull, if that can possibly be conceived. Hanford Howl is said to be quite festive and is indeed a benefit for ye Special Olympics. We ask that you direct all queries and petitions to Lady Jill Sargent or her chamber clerk Rufio. Training has already commenced and will continue every Wednesday at 6pm at Rigler Elementary (ne 55th and Prescott) until further notice. Field Training will be proceeded with libations, snackiths and strategy exercises/game night at the Club House on the Estate of her Lady and aforementioned clerk. Our bid has been secured and financial offerings have been arranged for and sent though tribute from all ABLE participating parties is requested. Many other logistical requirements, such as lodging, have yet to be arranged though all willing parties shall be kept posted as developments occur. Otherwise report to Tuesday pick-up at 22nd and Powell for the most current information. Remember to begin procuring your Vestments and Arms posthaste so that they may be of the highest quality come mid Fall. May you all be emboldened, spirited and totally FIT!! (whoa 20s...)


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